Analysis Towards Performance (Fall 2013)
- syllabus
- Berlioz Spectrographs
- YouTube playlist: A=>P
16th-Century Counterpoint (Spring 2015)
MAM Literature & Materials/JCM American Sonic Practice, click for a separate page!
Schenkerian Analysis
- syllabus: TH550A—Spring2015
- see also: BLOG
Pedagogy of Theory
- syllabus: TH510A_Spring2015
- see also: BLOG
Blank Paper (just in case you missed it on the front page!):
- blank_13staff_paper
- blank_10staff_paper
- blank_8staff_paper
- 7blank_piano staves
- blank all keys
- blank all keys half_half.
- longstaff5
- 6lines_big_staves
- graph paper 1
- blank graph paper
- guitar_grids